Slurry Treatment



  • NitroSlurry accelerates the breakdown of animal waste and plant fibre in the slurry
  • Slows down crust building and reduces pipe blockages
  • Retains increased levels of nitrogen compared to untreated
  • Reduces odour

Fertiliser nitrogen loss in untreated slurry is up to double that of NitroSlurry treated slurry
Caution – Slurry can omit poisonous gases | Always take extreme precaution when in the vicinity of slurry

NitroSlurry – KEY BENEFITS

  • Reduces crust formation
  • Accelerates the breakdown of organic material
  • Clears blockages in pipes and equipment
  • Considerably reduces bad smells
  • Reduces ammonium levels and nitrogen loss
  • Improved performance noticed because the amount of ammonia-N in the air of sheds is reduced.


  • Anaerobic bacteria- The necessary micro organisms for the digestion of organic matter in the absence of air
  • Aerobic bacteria – The necessary micro organisms for the digestion of organic matter in the presence of air

A concentrate of nature’s waste treatment agents:

  • Powerful enzyme mixture
  • Amylases – to degrade undigested carbohydrates
  • Proteases – to degrade undigested proteins
  • Lipases – to degrade undigested lipids
  • Cellulases – to degrade plant fibres
  • Also contains hemicellulase, pentosanase and betaglucanase
  • Activators – protect and enhance enzyme activity in the slurry and ensure even distribution and fast action after application

Selected bacteria to degrade organic waste fast

  • Bacillus subtilis
  • Bacillus licheniformis
  • Bacillus amyloliquefaciens
  • Bacillus megaterium
  • Bacillus pumilus
  • Temperature ranges for growth:
  • Bacillus subtilis: 15-45°C
  • Bacillus licheniformis: 30-55°C
  • Bacillus amyloliquefaciens: 15-45°C
  • Bacillus megaterium: 5-40°C
  • Bacillus pumilus: 10-40°C
  • All strains grow in the pH range 5.0-9.0
  • All strains produce amylase, protease and lipase
  • All strains assimilate ammonia-N either by production of glutamate dehydrogenase or by glutamine synthetase and glutamate synthetase

NitroSlurry – FEATURES

  • Free flowing powder
  • Neutral colour and smell
  • Packed in 100g quantities in alufoil sachets


  • NitroSlurry is usually applied when the slurry tank has been emptied
  • One 100gram sachet will treat the slurry of 20 cows, 30 beef cattle or 40 weanlings for a four month winter
  • Dissolve in warm water not exceeding 40 °C in a bucket and leave to rest for 20-30 minutes
  • For large storage systems stir and add as much water as possible to dilute and spread or mix NitroSlurry over the tank or store surfaces
  • Apply via a reception tank of the main tank where possible
  • For lagoons spread as evenly as possible and agitate if possible.
  • For tanks under slatted floors add to water and pour through the slats.

NB! The tank should be re-seeded with NitroSlurry each time slurry is removed